Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gardasil vaccines

Many young women in the past few years have been given the Gardasil vaccines. The doctors suggest it to most women ages anywhere from 9 to 26. This vaccine is giving in three separate shots to help prevent againsts four different types of HPV. They also believe that this shot will prevent other reproductive related health problems. In my opionon this is a good thing, but I still have a few concerns. I was not giving much of a choice on the topic, when you are nine or ten years old your parents make your decisions for you. The doctors push this vaccine so hard that the parents feel that it is the best thing for their child. I was not told any of the side effects or possible risks before receiving the shots. Most women experience pain around the injection cite, which is to be expected. (don’t most shots hurt?) But this drug has kept the lawyers busy. There have been multiple deaths and serious illnesses caused by this vaccine. Some woman have experienced blood clots, misscarrages and seizures after receiving the vaccine. I think Gardasil is a good vaccine and should still be distributed. Every drug on the market can cause side effects and death, but what worries me most is the young women receiving it are not fully informed. It also worries me that this is a relativly new drug, and we still do not know the long-term side effects, but yet most of the women of this generation are receiving it.


  1. What do you do? damned if you do, damned if you don't. It were my daughters, sisters gf's whatever. Id say get the drug. because by the time your old, and the side efects start to emerge, they'll have a new medicine for those.

  2. I agree that all women should get the vaccine, but should be informed of the side effects. I also agree with Mike, by the time that the side effects start to show there will be a drug for that.
