Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inappropriate television

Inappropriate television and video games are becoming more and more popular in our generation. It is almost impossible to find a show on television that does not involve sex, drugs, alcohol, or inappropriate language. I feel that my generation experienced a lot of this but not nearly as much as the young children today. I spent most of my time as a child playing outside and with friends and family. Television has become a much bigger part of children’s lives. Not only is this causing social skills problems, but these children are beginning to show more violent actions. They are shown these inappropriate actions so young that they do not understand that they are wrong. Children that are exposed to realistic war video games at a young age seem to be more aggressive and are much more likely to be involved in gangs or inappropriate actions. Sex is also a big part of television which seems to be influencing younger children every year. Girls are becoming pregnant at young ages as low as thirteen because of the pressures they get from television. It is scary that our world is so easily influenced by television. It is corrupting our children and the future of our world could be in danger if nothing is done to protect the innocence of our children.

1 comment:

  1. This is defiantly an issue. Especially in wisconsin, where the harsh winter keeps children cooped up inside the house so much. I think parents need to step up an take appropriate measures to ensure their children aren't seeing negative things on the television, even if that means they have to skip watching their favorite shows.
