Every person has a different learning style. Some children can listen to a person talk and learn very quickly, while others need more of a hands-on atmosphere to succeed. There are also many people that excel best with both situations also.
Tinkering school was defined as a place where children can pick up dangerous objects and be trusted to use them properly. At first glance a tinkering school, you might become concerned. It sounds unsafe and very different from normal classes. The children are allowed to use power tools and dangerous materials to learn new ideas. They are giving problems to solve, and put into many new situations. The children are not tested on the skills, or examined in any way, but seem to excel very quickly.
After many years of school and testing I have learned that I succeed best in situations where I am aloud to do things myself. I struggle with test taking and listening to long lectures. I find that if someone is to give me an example and allows me to try it for myself is when I learn best. For example, I am currently in a very hands on class, but there is one part of the class where you can not use your hands at all. We are required to explain what we would do in a certain situation without any demonstrations. It is very difficult for me, but also a way for me to learn from a different point of view and gain more skills.
I think this school is a great idea, and I hope that many children are given the opportunity to attend it.
If you would like to view this video the link is http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/gever_tulley_s_tinkering_school_in_action.html
Molly, I am also a hands on learner. I have a degree in graphic and I believe you said you were taking a few graphic classes. Can you imagine trying to learn programs such as Adobe InDesign if it wasn't hands on? Bobby Bullet sure can't.