Wednesday, October 27, 2010

brett favre

The title to this blog post can provoke many different opinions. Some people see Brett Favre as a legend and one of the best players ever seen in the NFL. While others seem his as a traitor and a cheater. Brett Favre had sixteen very successful seasons with the Green Bay packers. This is where he became very well known and loved by all of Wisconsin, while hated by many other jealous teams. After these great years he left his “home” at Green Bay to play for the New York Jets. He played (no pun intended) for a year in New York, and returned back to the mid-west for this 2009 season. He was not returning to play for his beloved team, but to play for their biggest competition. Brett Favre is currently on his second year playing for the Minnesota Vikings.
Brett Favre lost many fans because of his unfaithfulness to his “home team,” but that was not the only thing he was being unfaithful about. He recently admitted to leaving messaged on a young sports announcers cell phone and trying to get in contact with her. There was also inappropriate photo texts sent to her, but it has not yet been proven it was him who sent these photos.
I was so shocked to hear about Brett Favre’s recent scandal. I have been a Favre fan for as long as I can remember and I still cheer for him when he plays, but I am beginning to lose respect for him, which most people already have.

Texting While Driving

“Where you at?” A young teenager died recently attempting to respond to this question via texting while driving. On average there are about 570,000 deaths or injuries in automobile crashes caused by cell phone distractions each year. Most people jump to conclusions when they hear about a accident due to call phone distractions. They automatically assume it was a young driver who was being careless and texting. This does happen often, and many adults are at fault for this as well. Every person that picks up their phone while driving is at risk. Many people believe they are good multitaskers and can handle it, or they are just going to do it this one time. It is so easy to become distracted and swerve into the other lane, or into the ditch.
At the bottom of this post you will find a link to a video I recently watched. This video shows how quickly a fun day can turn into a tragic accident. Driving, especially with other people in the car, is a huge responsibility. Many people do not realize that until their best friend is laying in the seat next to them dead, or seriously injured.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thrill or Tragedy?

You hands fly into the air as the adrenaline rushed through your body. You open you mouth, only to realize you can’t scream. The feeling a rollercoaster causes is incredible. The sensation that you are flying, but is it worth it? These rides can be unsafe and have been known to cause serious injuries and death.
There are many stories that begin with a fun day at the amusement park, but end in tragedy. It seems that most of these deaths are young people that have bright futures ahead of them. Some of these stories include mechanical error. A relatively receient story that most people are firmilar with is the story about the teenager who lost her legs on the “superman” thrill ride. Another popular story was the twenty-one year old whose harnessed released while riding the “Extreme” rollercoaster in Baton Rouge. Not all of injuries and deaths from thrill rides are mechanical errors, there are many incidences including worker and victim mistakes. If the rides are not accurately checked throughout the day it can lead to errors and death. I think the most common reports of incidence at amusement parks include mistakes made by the victim. The person failed to follow the rules of the park, or had an unknown health condition. I think this topic hit a lot closer to home when an 11 year old girl died at the six flags in Gurnee, Illinois. This young girl choked on a piece of gum or candy while riding “Raging bull.”
I would be a liar if I said that any of these stories stop me from going to amusement parks. I use this information to remind myself that there are risks, but I believe you have to live in the moment. I am planning a trip to six flags this weekend, and without a doubt I will be riding the “Raging bull”.